IGEMS – CAD/CAM Waterjet Software
All Finepart machines are delivered with custom IGEMS waterjet software, which is especially developed for Fincut precision cutting machinery. We are furthermore an official partner of IGEMS.
Works on a normal PC
The different waterjet options will allow you to draw parts, prepare parts for cutting, adjust cutting quality and cutting parameters, calculate time and cost of parts, get proposal for nesting etc.
IGEMS Licenses
Finepart helps define needed software licenses based on machine requirements.
User Licenses
Increase the amount of users that need access simultaneously
Service & Support
Required for software updates and support.
Options no. 8041000
Finecut CAD/CAM Software
We have a long relationship with Software company IGEMS that provides the waterjet CAD/CAM software specifically focused on the micro abrasive waterjet technology, which includes advanced cutting speed optimization to combine high quality cuts with cutting speeds.
Benefits The AWJ module:
Create drawings
Import 2D drawings and 3D models
Include data base of materials
Suggest cutting speeds adopted to material, thickness and quality requirements.

Options no. 6008015
IGEMS guided 2D & 3D cutting using FineCamTM
With this option you can import 3D files into IGEMS and place toolpaths on the contour of the model. There are plenty of settings in a 3D software, and this software module has been made to be very easy to use, to give you a light and fast 3D software for applying toolpaths.
The module includes functions for defining surfaces/edges, adding toolpaths and customize leads, collision control etc. Cutting paths between top and bottom are generated utilizing the 5 axis TCP functionality of the FANUC controller.
Using the 5-axis functionality for taper compensation only does not require the Finecut 5 axis FineCamTM

Data Exchange File Formats
Import more file types. With our DataExchange module you can import several other file formats than the standard IGEMS formats. [Options no. 6008011]
Standard formats
.dxf, .dwg, .acd & .dig
Supported Formats
.wmf, .ps, .eps, .gen, .geo, .igs, .mec, .ord & .tag
NC reader
You can also import your NC code back into IGEMS with NC reader
Options no. 6008012
Nesting – Level 1 & Level 2
Nest Level 1
The nest modules help you to arrange the layout of parts on a sheet in order to get as little waste material as possible. Nest 1 includes several semi-automatic nest strategies, including circle nest, rectangle nest & single nest.
Nest Level 2
A fully automatic nest command. The nest modules help you to arrange the layout of parts on a sheet in order to get as little waste material as possible. This module is a must if you need to nest many different parts at the same time on a predefined area of any shape. Nest 2 cannot be bought without Nest 1.

Other optional IGEM modules
Sign Maker
Use fonts & images in your drawings.
Keep everything in one place.
Cutting & nesting for inlays & tiles.
Make custom tubes.